New research published in JAMA Network Open and Highlighted by ETH News
This research led by PhD Candidate Adrian Martinez de la Torre identified that there was an increase in the number of paracetamol-related poisonings reported to the National Poisong Centre in Switzerland following the availability of high-dose 1,000 milligram (1 gram) oral paracetamol tablets.
Congratulations to Dr. Theresa Burkard on receiving an ETH Career Seed Grant.
With this funding, Dr. Burkard will explore the association between BMI and rheumatoid arthritis in Switzerland.
Journalist Clare Watson highlighted our work presented at the EULAR eCongress
Journalist Clare Watson highlighted our work presented at the EULAR eCongress in her articled entitled “Tale of two studies: Thrombosis is associated with JAK and TNF inhibitors for RA”. This work was also recently published in the Journal of Drug Safety.
Prof. Burden will co-guest edit a special issue in the Journal of Clinical Medicine.
Prof. Burden will co-guest edit a special issue in the Journal of Clinical Medicine (IF 5.7) on Osteoporosis treatment: recent developments and ongoing challenges. Submissions are welcome for this special issue.